Who’s not weary of campaign words?  Maybe a record number of voters cast their ballots early just to end the barrage sooner!

Therefore, you may refuse to watch the video and read the blog at http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/7/13546186/johnson-amendment-mike-pence-donald-trump-evangelicals-religious-right-moral-majority.

I think it’s worth your time.  So I hope you’ll grab a coffee, take a deep breath and go for it one more time (even if you’ve voted already).  Click on “Church Greetings” to see the video.

And be sure to click on and read “An Open Letter to Mrs. Hillary Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump” further down the blog.

Since the attached is long, I’ll close my mouth now, put my typing fingers in my pockets, and invite you to listen and read . . .