“The Bible tells us to shun the very appearance of evil. So why should any Christian get involved in Halloween that glorifies witchcraft and death?”
I received that reply to my Halloween comments yesterday prefacing Dr. Al Mohler’s blog ( https://theoldpreacher.com/halloween/ ).
I understand this brother’s thoughts. Indeed, he’s probably in the majority of those who think seriously about the holiday. Many churches opt to host some kind of get-together for kids to keep them out of the “darkness”. I respect their convictions, as I do those of this brother who replied to me.
I answered him, in part . . .
“I guess I just refuse to allow evil to take over what can be for my family and me an innocent enjoyment of our childhood. We do nothing that suggests participation in the works of darkness. In a way, we’re light.”
Maybe this debate isn’t worth another blog; but I want to expand my thinking . . .
First, I ask you to read this compelling article. From it, I take this biblical truth: the light overcomes the darkness.
Second, I do see the darkness of Halloween, though I think many who dress up in “darkness costumes”, do it innocently, not intentionally participating in anything evil. Even so, the darkness is real—and magnified by macabre costumes.
In the midst of it, down the street among all the other Halloweeners walks our gang. (Age has now dwindled our numbers, though.) We’re angels or soldiers or “good guy” characters. We don’t fit into the darkness. In fact, by our appearance and laughter, I hope we stand out as a bit of light.
In my mind, I envision other Christian families, similarly costumed, shedding more light in the darkness. We can brighten the light by giving our neighbors gospel tracts or saying “God bless you” when we load up on their candy. (This may be a bit much for kids!)
But, see what I see? Little points of light shining in the darkness. “Evil” costumes will always outnumber “good”. Death and fright will always be “celebrated”. But our presence can at least show there’s another way. The True Light has come into the world! Our little light may not overcome the Halloween darkness. It may not convict darkness-doers. But it will shine. It will show there’s an alternative.
Do we only pray to protect our children from evil or also pray that they’ll be the light of the world (which presupposes being in a dark place)? Like it or not, we are “the light of the world”. Gotta let it shine (Matthew 5:14-16). Gotta pierce the darkness for our Father’s glory
Obviously, this pertains to more than Halloween. “ . . . let your light shine, so they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). The world is dark. Our good works shine like light.
Two postures prevent that. One, we assume a defensive stand against the world. It’s evil; we avoid it as much as possible. The extreme of this is moving to the mountains, huddling up with other like-minded believers, and wait for Jesus to come.
Two, we take the world as it is without any moral judgments. So, we go to church on Sunday, read our Bibles and pray, but we live no more holy than our upstanding neighbor. The Sermon On the Mount captivates us, but doesn’t direct our behavior.
Obviously, avoiding the darkness has its place. But so does shining like light in the darkness. Each of us is responsible for deciding what when.
But I’m thinking our light will shine brighter if we’re out on the street on Halloween, rather than in our houses with lights off or in our churches with lights on all together out of the darkness.
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