Fishing for Organs Called “Cute” While Delivering Intact Brains is “Something to Strive for” in Latest CMP Video
October 29, 2015
By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington, DC — Just days after the Texas Inspector General’s office raided four Planned Parenthood facilities, the Center for Medical Progress released its eleventh undercover video summary on October 27, 2015, which shows prima facie evidence of criminal conduct by Planned Parenthood.
The latest CMP video, “Planned Parenthood TX Abortion Apprentice Taught Partial-Birth Abortion to ‘Strive For’ Intact Heads” focused on Planned Parenthood’s practice of conducting illegal Partial Birth Abortions on living babies and altering abortion procedures to ensure that organs are available for sale.
Featured in this summary video is Amna Dermish, who is a second-trimester abortionist with Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas in Austin.
Dermish explained that the Austin Planned Parenthood does abortions up to 21 weeks, 6 days, and that she uses digoxin during the abortions after 20 weeks. Prior to that, at 18-20 weeks, no digoxin is used and the abortions are done on living babies in violation of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.
While demonstrating with her hands and arms, Dermish describes her grisly practice of removing the lower extremities of larger babies first then grasping the spine and pulling the rest of the baby out with torso intact.
While the Austin Planned Parenthood clinic did not seem to be selling organs at the time the undercover footage was made, the admission that partial birth abortions are used is evidence of criminal conduct.
Partial Birth Abortions were outlawed in 2003 and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2007 Carhart v. Gonzales case.
“Dermish is quick to admit that he aborts living babies at 18 to 20 weeks, sometimes converting to the breech position. This is an exact description of a partial birth abortion and should be enough evidence further investigate and bring her up on charges,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who also serves on the Board of the CMP.
The video also features Deborah Nucatola, Senior Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, who trained Dermish. She discusses training other abortionists on procedures for “research cases.” Nucatola indicated that she only allows her trainees to do the abortions that will involve organ harvesting as the trainee gets “better” at doing them.
In “cases” that are selected for organ harvesting, no Digoxin or other drug can be used to induce fetal death prior to the abortions. The procedure described by Nucatola is the nationally-banned Partial Birth Abortion method, where a baby is converted to the breech position and brought down with forceps then killed during the birth process.
Dermish told undercover CMP journalists posing as representatives of an organ procurement company that the Austin Planned Parenthood where she works conducts 25-30 abortions per day for ten days per month.
When asked if Dermish was able to provide an intact calvarium (head) for the purpose of harvesting the baby’s brain, she indicated she had not, “But that gives me something to strive for!”
Dermish shared that one of their “POC” workers is “really into organ development.”
“Yeah, she’ll pull out like kidneys and heart – and like heart we frequently see 9 weeks and she always looks for it,” related Dermish.
“Oh, just for fun?” asked the CMP actor.
The Whole Women’s Health abortionist replied, “Well, it’s cute. It is cute.”
Dermish went on, “It’s amazing! I sort of have do much respect for development. It’s just incredible!”
“That’s an appalling thing for an abortionist to say. She has ‘so much respect for development’ yet has no problem cutting short that development in one of the most brutal ways possible,” said Newman. “It’s like the torn remains of babies are just playthings to her. It’s a sick way to view the dismemberment death of defenseless human beings.”
Meanwhile, the Inspector General’s office seized abortion records and other evidence from the Planned Parenthood clinics in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Brownsville. It also served subpoenas demanding “five years of records from a dozen clinics, including patient charts, laboratory tests and clinical notes as well as facility visitor logs, financial information and rosters of the names, credentials, salaries and home addresses of all employees,” according to the Houston Chronicle.
“Texas does have hard evidence showing Medicaid fraud as well as violations of federal and state law concerning abortion procedures,” said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott during an interview with Fox News.
“We have a whistleblower who worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years who has come forward to us and alleges that substantial violations have occurred,” said state Health Inspector General Stuart Bowen, who mentioned that his investigation included several ongoing audits of Planned Parenthood.
“We anticipate that criminal charges will be forthcoming,” said Newman.
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