P.AllanI remember growing up in church often singing this hymn.  Because of the words, simple though they are, it was always a sacred few moments.

Many of our songs rightly give praise to our Lord.  Many of our songs joyfully celebrate who he is and what he’s done.  Many of our hymns properly proclaim sound doctrine, truth to stand on and live by.  Few of our songs plumb the depths of our soul as this one does.  The plain-word line is almost daring to sing:  “I surrender all . . . “

Here’s what I suggest.  Turn off your phone.  Take a moment to be still before the Lord.  Click on the song.  Close your eyes and ignore the words on the screen.  Imagine yourself before Jesus.  Either sing along or, better, listen and let the words flow through you to Him.

Jesus, come meet with us.
Keep us in these moments from asking You to give to us.
Give us grace to give ourselves to You.
May these next moments be holy in Your presence
as we offer to You the little we are.
Make our lives a sanctified living sacrifice to You.